Basement Wall Crack Repair
Don’t ignore your basement. If you’re aware of potential issues with your foundation floor or walls, don’t allow the problem to get worse. RSR Construction: Basement & Foundation Repair provides corrective action to ease your future financial burden. We offer proactive crack repairs and wall bracing for Regina homeowners.
What Causes Walls to Bow and Bend?
Regina is smack dab on top of some nasty clay material that is not best suited for structural foundation building. The ground expands and contracts with each saturation and drying cycle, and is easily manipulated by tree root growth causing all kinds of grief for homeowners regardless of the age or style of building.
The wall bracing we offer Regina and surround areas is the most simple and cost-effective method for straightening your basement walls.
After a thorough inspection and proper calculation, metal beams are placed vertically along the damaged wall(s) anchored to mortar bases providing a strong, functional and safe structure.
Crack Repair
Horizontal cracks can indicate that the structural integrity of the wall could be compromised. This can be caused by hydrostatic pressure or the freeze-thaw cycle. Melted snow or groundwater presses against the outside of the foundation wall causing cracks. This pressure against the wall can be very strong.
The most effective solutions for foundation repairs are done from the outside. We excavate to expose the outside walls and fill the crack with mortar cement and NP1 as well as a waterproof barrier such as Blueskin or other approved water seal material. Once the Blueskin or like material has been applied, a dimpled membrane will be fastened. This prevents backfill material from touching the foundation walls and helps channel water away.
If the horizontal crack is below grade, about 3 to 4 feet, it is usually caused by the freeze-thaw cycle.
Knee Walls
Homes that are built with cindercrete, brick or stones can be engineered and braced by steel and or concrete. Concrete can be poured against the existing basement wall to providing additional support. In some cases, steel can be used as well; however, this option is not applicable in all cases, and would need to be discussed with the engineer involved.
Let us assess the damage. In addition to knee walls, crack repairs and wall bracing, we offer Regina homeowners a range of other solutions to address foundation issues. From recapping floors to underpinning walls, we’ll ensure the stability and longevity of your property with our comprehensive range of services. Call us today for more information.